Saturday, February 29, 2020

L'Hospital's rule......................................(edit)

When we were discussing limits of multivariable functions last week, why do you suppose that we never mentioned L'Hospital's rule?

and while we're on this topic, note that both of the single variable limits lim_{x->0} x/(x^2) and 
lim_{x->0} (x^2)/x are "=0/0", but one of these limits exists and the other one doesn't.  THIS MEANS THAT A LIMIT -->0/0 DOES NOT SPECIFY WHETHER THE LIMIT EXISTS OR NOT

Lecture Notes 2/27/20

Lecture Notes 2/25/20

LectureNotes 2/18/20

Saturday, February 1, 2020

How this could work (and Some 10.4 problems)

Hello Dr. Taylor, I've tried everything with this problem, and while I'm certain I have the correct answer, it still isn't right. Please let me know what's going on here. Thank you,

  Same thing here. Every time I do the problem as instructed it keeps coming back incorrect.


OK, Here's the deal. When I look at the problem 5 I notice that your answers are indeed orthogonal to the two given vectors, so I SURMISE that you understand how to take a cross product. It's obvious in a heartbeat though, that they are not unit vectors, so I SURMISE that you either didn't read the problem or you don't know the meaning of the words "unit vector".  Both are common issues I've seen students have. The first can be fixed by reading the problem. The second issue can be fixed, first of all by realizing that you will NEVER be able to do the problem if you don't know what the words in the problem mean, and second by doing your job of learning what they mean: for example by reading the appropriate textbook section and or the lecture notes I've posted here in the blog.

In the case of the second problem, your number is quite a bit off of the correct answer, but I have no idea why. 

SO, in the future, if give me an idea of what you've tried to come up with your answer, I'll be able to help straighten you out. 


I have been over this problem multiple times and cannot come to a answer. I believe I have done everything right, and am almost positive there is a glitch in Webwork. *

*****************************************Yes, I think you're right. I'll look into it.