Thursday, March 12, 2020

social distancing

Hi All: In case you hadn't heard, in an effort to prevent the spread of Corona virus ASU is shutting down it's in person classes for at least a couple of weeks. So: we won't be seeing each other on Tuesday. In addition, midterm exam #2 that was scheduled for Thursday March 19 is postponed and will be rescheduled--the best information I now have is that it will be in a couple of weeks, but no promises it could be sooner or later than that. In the meantime, we're supposed to supposed to run our classes online, which begs the following questions (please email me in responses): When I am not coming to classes (either in the dorms or off campus)
1) I have my own laptop--OR--I have access to a computer with admin priveleges: ______(yes) _______(no)
2) I have access to high speed internet _______(yes) _______(no)
3) I have a place to go (home or some other place to stay) _______(yes) _______(no)
4) I have food or the ability to get food _______(yes) _______(no)
 5) In the event that your answer to item (1) is yes, please install the zoom web browser client from this link: ( email me if you have difficulty with this installation)
 best, Tom Taylor

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